Sunday, January 31, 2010

Unlearning the Myths That Bind Us- Linda Christensen

The author’s main idea is that the media provides us with a secret education. It teacher us " how to act, live and dream"(Christensen 126). According to Dorfman also teaches us:

· Not to rebel

· Styles of violence

· Sex roles

· How to succeed

· How to love

· How to buy

· How to conquer

· How to go beyond our past and restrain our future(?)

Among other things, the media teaches its viewers/readers to “accept the world as it is portrayed in these social blueprints”(Christensen 126). Children books, movies and cartoons create distorted views of non white characters. There are often patterns of stereotypes that are found within these forms of media. For example, Arabs have the same face, wear turbans and are violent. This could be seen in Aladdin or in an episode of Popeye called “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.” Or people of color were often portrayed as servants to whites. Men were portrayed as powerful while mothers were non existent or were evil. The author also provide questions that can help individuals analyze different forms or media. These questions can be found a section called “Charting Stereotypes” on page 129. Analyzing media allows people to be conscious of what they see, raise awareness and possibly take action. This article also informs the reader that even though we think we might make our own choices; we are influenced by the media. For example, if you’re wearing anything that is of a popular brand, you’ve been influenced by the media.

Something I did not understand was when Christensen stated that the media teaches us how to suppress our future. Is she basically stating to ignore our future and focus on the present?

This article also connect with the conceptual frameworks that we will be focusing on this semester. For example "Popular culture is not just a form of entertainment. "As people we've all been manipulated by the media. We've all watched Disney animated films among many others and took something out of those films. This could include stereotypes on how we view others who are different from us. We've all viewed a romance films and wanted to find a love similar to what we saw. We've all dreamed about what that love would be like. Would it be similar to the couple in The Notebook? Cinderella? Beauty & the Beast? We've seen clothing or sneaker commericals and sometimes went to out to buy something we saw. In the society in which we live in, it is very difficult to resist this media influence. Especially if it isnt discussed critically and analyzed. The link below is an example of an old Betty Boop cartooned that was banned because of the negative portrayal of people of color.
