Sunday, March 7, 2010

Fast Forward by Lauren Greenfield

[ This assignment was place here after I removed my HIV & Aids event. It's pretty late & I understand I will not get full credit for it.But just wanted to jot down my thoughts regarding this topic.]

Through out Lauren Greenfield's preface, we are told of her experiences as she did her project which came to be known as " Fast Forward". It took her four years to complete this project and her images are beautiful. They would tell stories even if text wasn't present. Greenfield tries to use her images to try to reveal elements of our culture that can be seen in the lives of the children/teens. Something I understood by viewing Greefield's project is that teenagers in Los Angeles lost their innocence very early.For example, Courtney does things normal kids do but it must work for her busy work schedule.There was also an image of a 17 year old couple named Ozzie and Chantel who had a child. In one of Grrenfield'd interviews, a teen informed her that "You grow up really fast when you grow up in L.A. It seems like everyone is in a rush to be an adult. It's not cool to be a kid."

Greenfield states that teens in Hollywood are higly influeced by the media. She states that teens growing up in Hollywood's shadow have a difficult time distinguishing reality from fantasy. A person's image is portrayed as very important in many of her images. For example,Matthew expected to go to an airport in a Limo because a limo user may signify wealth. Or Ashleigh who is thirteen years old with a phone in her room in one picture. In another picture she is wearing pearls. Another example is Enrique who save money for two years in order for him to pay for his prom. In all of these examples, money is viewed as important becasue it provides acces to other things like a limosine and clothes that may be fashionable in Hollywood.


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