Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Media Literacy

Media is a powerful cultural force because children and adults both love and watch it. It is often a part of our daily lives because we watch and listen to it for hours a day. Even though media can be entertaining, the media raises a lot of concerns according to a site on media literacy. Some of the concerns that media raises includes:

  • Its creation of stereotypes/bias

  • Violence is taught through entertainment

  • Children & teens are targeted through advertisement

According to google, media literacy can be defined as "the ability to act, analyze, evaluate and produce communication and information" on different forms of media. In order to be literate about the media, we must all think critically about the things that we see within the media. Being critical and analytical about the things that we see on TV, Magazines, films, billboards and etc, will enable us to make changes or positive decisions. It will also help us be wiser consumers.


  1. The above is still work in progress

  2. It is interesting how the word "consume" is used with the word media. When I think of the word consume, I think of a mindless devouring of something. There is not a lot of thought that goes into it. Media robs us of our ability to think...or be "free thinkig."

  3. I like how you say that violence is something learned through the media. This is something I loeft out of my piece and it is soooo important these days. This leads to your second bullet that the media targets teens and children through the media. For example in video games they target children not adults. These games include guns and shoootings as main tasks. Barely any of them these days dont involove violence.

  4. I agree with both you and samantha about violence in the media. for some odd reason we show nudity on TV and yet we can show a guy getting his head blown off. there is something seriously wrong with the morals of our society.
